Olarn Chiaravanont
Olarn Chiaravanont’s paintings are populated by a variety of shapes that emerge from a moment of indecision and suspense. The growth of the composition happens organically without a definite premeditated plan, allowing for a to-and-fro between control and chance. For Chiaravanont, painting is a constant struggle between the allure of clarity and the necessity of ambiguity.
Born 1986 in Bangkok, Thailand
Lives and Works in London, UK
2023-24Turps Art School, Off-Site Programme
2010–12MFA Fine Art, Goldsmiths, University of London, London
2005–08BA (Hon) Fine Art, Central St Martins College of Art & Design, London
2004–05Foundation Studies in Art & Design, Central St Martins College of Art & Design
Solo Exhibitions
2025...over the line, Neu Contemporary, Bangkok
2021Untethered, Sweet & Green Ekkamai, Bangkok
2017Sassy, Bombon Projects, Barcelona
2013raum1, Galerie Koal, Berlin
2012OLARN CHIARAVANONT, Galerie koal, Berlin
2011Deep Dots, WTF Gallery, Bangkok
Group Exhibitions
2024We Could Go On, Original Gallery, Hornsey Library, London
2024Turps Off-Site Programme Show, Thames-Side Studios Gallery, London
2019Art Emergent Sabadell, Sabadell
2018As I took her arm she stared through my face at the dark branches of the trees over my head, Yellow, Varese
2016Zona VIP, Passatge, Swab, Barcelona
2015Le Peintre de la Pipe, Passatge, Barcelona
2014Summer Colour show, Galerie koal, Berlin
2014Painted Realities, Hanmi Gallery, London
2012MFA Fine Art Degree Show, Goldsmiths, University of London
2012The Mind And The Mood, Galerie koal, Berlin
Soho House, Barcelona
Soho House, Bangkok